ServiceUUID b20fcbeb-1bc0-47c8-bd06-90e88df9b2ed
ServiceName DebitorForespørgselAfsendService
portName DebitorForespørgselAfsendServicePortType
endpointInterface dk.kombit._2017._01._01.DebitorForespørgselAfsendServicePortType
Følgende fejlkoder er den aktuelle liste til brug til opslag, hvis et kald resulterer i en fejlkode. Listen kan ikke antages at være statisk. Ved spørgsmål til listen rettes henvendelse til helpdesk.
Fejl kode Funktions navn FaultCode Beskrivelse Afhjælpning
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering Client Schema validation failed. Resolve corrupted request according to the error message.
SourceSystemUnavailable DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server A call to a source system failed because no connection could be established to the system. Maybe the system is down? Make sure the source system is alive and has the expected version.
SourceSystemUnknownError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server A call to a source system failed due to an unknown error which programmatically cannot be “explained”. Further action depends on the actual error returned.
SourceSystemError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server A call to a source system failed by returning an error. Please inspect actual returned error. If problem persists then Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
SourceSystemInvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Client A call to a source system failed because the request was incorrect. Please inspect actual returned error and see if the request sent is correct.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server ServiceCallConfiguration is not provided or request callback is null! Set RequestAction in to ServiceCallConfiguration.
InvalidExternalInterface DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Could not retrieve external interface from database for externalUID. Verify that external interface exist in database for such externalUID.
InvalidExternalInterface DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Malformed URL in database. Verify URL in database.
MissingExternalEntityID DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server ExternalInterface entity representing a given source system is missing entityID. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Unable to configure signature for client. Could be some problem with ssl certificate or trustore.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server MutualSSL: Unable to create SSL client for mutual ssl connection. Require additional investigation.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server SSL: Unable to create SSL client for ssl connection. Unexpected runtime exception. Require additional investigation.
UnknownTokenServiceError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Unknown error happened when communicating to the STS. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
TokenServiceUnavailable DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Communication with the remote Secure Token Service (STS) failed, potentially because the STS is down. Contact the Secure Token Service helpdesk and verify that the STS is up and running. If not, Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidTokenServiceRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Request to the STS failed. Missing remediation - Sorry, You are on Your own!
TokenServiceCertificateRevoked DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server The certificate of the remote Secure Token Service (STS) has been revoked. Tokens signed by the STS’s revoked certificate will be rejected, essentially meaning that the STS is unavailable. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
TokenCacheFailure DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server The system failed to load, store or delete a STS token from/to the token cache. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client The incoming request contained syntax errors or did not conform to the web service schema definitions. Correct the errors reported by Serviceplatformen.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Unknown The incoming request did not conform to the web service security policy; see the reported WS-Security faultcode. Correct the errors reported by Serviceplatformen.
InvalidTokenServiceToken DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Unknown The WS-Security token included in the incoming request was invalid; see the reported WS-Security faultcode. Correct the errors reported by Serviceplatformen.
MessageTooLarge DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client The request was larger than 10000000 bytes and therefore rejected. Reduce the size of the request (e.g. by sending multiple smaller ones) or send the request via SFTP if the integration supports so.
ServiceAgreementNotValid DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client No valid service agreement could be found for the called service. See the error message for details. Resolve the reported problems through STS Admin.
NoSecurityModel DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server An incoming request didn’t use any of the security models offered by the system (InvocationContext, AuthorityContext, …). You should use at least one security models.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Error during access control. Unexpected exception. Requires additional investigation.
WrongCertificate DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Client certificate did not match the subject certificate of the security token. Change client certificate.
ServiceNotAllowed DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server The passed security token does not grant access to the called service with UUID. Change client certificate or service UUID.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server SAML AssertionWrapper failed initialization. Requires additional investigation.
ServiceSuspended DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service is suspended. Can not be fixed.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Error reading request security token element. Token is corrupted. Change it and try again.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Error reading request security token element. Unexpected exception. Requires additional investigation.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Received ServiceAgreementDTO not mapped to serviceUUID argument. ServiceAgreementDTO is invalid. Change it and try again.
TokenServiceCertificateRevoked DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server The certificate of the Secure Token Service has been revoked! Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidTokenServiceToken DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server A token expected to be valid was invalid. The token may either have been sent from a client or the Secure Token Service (STS). Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidTokenServiceToken DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Security token is cancelled/expired/invalid/valid. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
MissingMunicipalityCVR DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server No municipality CVR was provided in the authority context. Provide municipality and try again.
ServiceSuspended DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service is suspended. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
NoServiceProvided DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service UUID was not provided. Provide Service UUID and try again.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Provided service UUID/service agreement UUID/user UUID/system UUID is not a UUID. Fix corrupted value and try again.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement UUID/User UUID/system UUID was not provided. Add missing value in request and try again.
WrongService DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service called with wrong service UUID. Fix corrupted value and try again.
ServiceAgreementNotFound DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement not found. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
WrongUser DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement does not include user with UUID. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
WrongUserSystem DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement does not include user system with UUID. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceAgreementInvalidLifetime DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is outside its period of validity. Contact RA-STS support for help.
ServiceAgreementSuspendedForService DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is suspended for service. Contact RA-STS support for help.
MissingConfiguration DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Some configuration is not set or is incorrect. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceAgreementNotFound DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement not found. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceSuspended DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service is suspended. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceNotAllowed DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement doesn't grant access to the service. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
WrongCertificate DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Used certificate does not belong to the user system included in service agreement with UUID. Change client certificate.
ServiceAgreementInvalidLifetime DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is outside its period of validity. Contact RA-STS support for help.
ServiceAgreementSuspendedForService DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is suspended for service. Contact RA-STS support for help.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server ServiceAgreementValidatorFactory has received unknown security model. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
EntityManagerError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (COMMON_DAO) Server Unable to look up. Multiple results were found. Verify BD for duplicates or currapted value.
EntityManagerError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (COMMON_DAO) Server Unable to look up. Variable is missing in DB.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (CONFIG) Server Could not retrieve external interface from database for externalUID. Verify that external interface exist in database for such externalUID.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (CONFIG) Server Multiple configuration values for the CONFKEY. Remove extra value from DB.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (CONFIG) Server Cannot find CONFKEY. Add missing config to DB.
MissingConfiguration DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Missing to configure the SF-number. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client Failed to get the 'HovedOplysninger' element from the given request. Verify that 'HovedOplysninger' element was in the request, contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk in case request was correct.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client Failed to get the 'Rute' element from the given request. Verify that 'Rute' element was in the request, contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk in case request was correct.
RequestAndRuleCVRMismatch DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client 'AfsenderOrganisation' CVR number does not match service agreement CVR. Verify that correct CVR was used. Otherwise contact RA-STS support for help.
NoRoutingRuleFound DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client Rute not found for Infref, AfsenderOrganisation CVR, AfsenderItSystem and ModtagerOrganisation. Verify that correct 'Rute' elements were used. Otherwise Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
RoutingConfigurationCorrupt DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Configuration corrupt; multiple routes found for Infref, AfsenderOrganisation CVR, AfsenderItSystem and ModtagerOrganisation. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client Request contained no 'HovedOplysninger' element, which is required. Verify BD for duplicates or currapted value.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client HovedOplysninger contained no TransaktionsId. Add TransaktionsId to the request and try again.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client TransaktionsId in HovedOplysninger exceeded Serviceplatformen max length. Use smaller TransaktionsId or contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client HovedOplysninger contained no valid TransaktionsTid. Verify that TransaktionsTid is correct and try again.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server Could not access HovedOplysninger field in request type. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server Could not marshall HovedOplysninger to DOM. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server XML element not found in request. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.søgDebitorregistrering (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server @XmlType annotation not found in request type. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespø Client Schema validation failed. Resolve corrupted request according to the error message.
SourceSystemUnavailable DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server A call to a source system failed because no connection could be established to the system. Maybe the system is down? Make sure the source system is alive and has the expected version.
SourceSystemUnknownError DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server A call to a source system failed due to an unknown error which programmatically cannot be “explained”. Further action depends on the actual error returned.
SourceSystemError DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server A call to a source system failed by returning an error. Please inspect actual returned error. If problem persists then Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
SourceSystemInvalidRequest DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Client A call to a source system failed because the request was incorrect. Please inspect actual returned error and see if the request sent is correct.
InternalError DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server ServiceCallConfiguration is not provided or request callback is null! Set RequestAction in to ServiceCallConfiguration.
InvalidExternalInterface DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Could not retrieve external interface from database for externalUID. Verify that external interface exist in database for such externalUID.
InvalidExternalInterface DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Malformed URL in database. Verify URL in database.
MissingExternalEntityID DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server ExternalInterface entity representing a given source system is missing entityID. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Unable to configure signature for client. Could be some problem with ssl certificate or trustore.
InternalError DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server MutualSSL: Unable to create SSL client for mutual ssl connection. Require additional investigation.
InternalError DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server SSL: Unable to create SSL client for ssl connection. Unexpected runtime exception. Require additional investigation.
UnknownTokenServiceError DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Unknown error happened when communicating to the STS. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
TokenServiceUnavailable DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Communication with the remote Secure Token Service (STS) failed, potentially because the STS is down. Contact the Secure Token Service helpdesk and verify that the STS is up and running. If not, Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidTokenServiceRequest DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Request to the STS failed. Missing remediation - Sorry, You are on Your own!
TokenServiceCertificateRevoked DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server The certificate of the remote Secure Token Service (STS) has been revoked. Tokens signed by the STS’s revoked certificate will be rejected, essentially meaning that the STS is unavailable. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
TokenCacheFailure DebitorForespø (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server The system failed to load, store or delete a STS token from/to the token cache. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client The incoming request contained syntax errors or did not conform to the web service schema definitions. Correct the errors reported by Serviceplatformen.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Unknown The incoming request did not conform to the web service security policy; see the reported WS-Security faultcode. Correct the errors reported by Serviceplatformen.
InvalidTokenServiceToken DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Unknown The WS-Security token included in the incoming request was invalid; see the reported WS-Security faultcode. Correct the errors reported by Serviceplatformen.
MessageTooLarge DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client The request was larger than 10000000 bytes and therefore rejected. Reduce the size of the request (e.g. by sending multiple smaller ones) or send the request via SFTP if the integration supports so.
ServiceAgreementNotValid DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client No valid service agreement could be found for the called service. See the error message for details. Resolve the reported problems through STS Admin.
NoSecurityModel DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server An incoming request didn’t use any of the security models offered by the system (InvocationContext, AuthorityContext, …). You should use at least one security models.
InternalError DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Error during access control. Unexpected exception. Requires additional investigation.
WrongCertificate DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Client certificate did not match the subject certificate of the security token. Change client certificate.
ServiceNotAllowed DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server The passed security token does not grant access to the called service with UUID. Change client certificate or service UUID.
InternalError DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server SAML AssertionWrapper failed initialization. Requires additional investigation.
ServiceSuspended DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service is suspended. Can not be fixed.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Error reading request security token element. Token is corrupted. Change it and try again.
InternalError DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Error reading request security token element. Unexpected exception. Requires additional investigation.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Received ServiceAgreementDTO not mapped to serviceUUID argument. ServiceAgreementDTO is invalid. Change it and try again.
TokenServiceCertificateRevoked DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server The certificate of the Secure Token Service has been revoked! Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidTokenServiceToken DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server A token expected to be valid was invalid. The token may either have been sent from a client or the Secure Token Service (STS). Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidTokenServiceToken DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Security token is cancelled/expired/invalid/valid. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
MissingMunicipalityCVR DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server No municipality CVR was provided in the authority context. Provide municipality and try again.
ServiceSuspended DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service is suspended. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
NoServiceProvided DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service UUID was not provided. Provide Service UUID and try again.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Provided service UUID/service agreement UUID/user UUID/system UUID is not a UUID. Fix corrupted value and try again.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement UUID/User UUID/system UUID was not provided. Add missing value in request and try again.
WrongService DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service called with wrong service UUID. Fix corrupted value and try again.
ServiceAgreementNotFound DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement not found. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
WrongUser DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement does not include user with UUID. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
WrongUserSystem DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement does not include user system with UUID. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceAgreementInvalidLifetime DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is outside its period of validity. Contact RA-STS support for help.
ServiceAgreementSuspendedForService DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is suspended for service. Contact RA-STS support for help.
MissingConfiguration DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Some configuration is not set or is incorrect. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceAgreementNotFound DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement not found. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceSuspended DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service is suspended. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceNotAllowed DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement doesn't grant access to the service. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
WrongCertificate DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Used certificate does not belong to the user system included in service agreement with UUID. Change client certificate.
ServiceAgreementInvalidLifetime DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is outside its period of validity. Contact RA-STS support for help.
ServiceAgreementSuspendedForService DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is suspended for service. Contact RA-STS support for help.
InternalError DebitorForespø (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server ServiceAgreementValidatorFactory has received unknown security model. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
EntityManagerError DebitorForespø (COMMON_DAO) Server Unable to look up. Multiple results were found. Verify BD for duplicates or currapted value.
EntityManagerError DebitorForespø (COMMON_DAO) Server Unable to look up. Variable is missing in DB.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespø (CONFIG) Server Could not retrieve external interface from database for externalUID. Verify that external interface exist in database for such externalUID.
InternalError DebitorForespø (CONFIG) Server Multiple configuration values for the CONFKEY. Remove extra value from DB.
InternalError DebitorForespø (CONFIG) Server Cannot find CONFKEY. Add missing config to DB.
MissingConfiguration DebitorForespø (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Missing to configure the SF-number. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespø (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client Failed to get the 'HovedOplysninger' element from the given request. Verify that 'HovedOplysninger' element was in the request, contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk in case request was correct.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespø (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client Failed to get the 'Rute' element from the given request. Verify that 'Rute' element was in the request, contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk in case request was correct.
RequestAndRuleCVRMismatch DebitorForespø (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client 'AfsenderOrganisation' CVR number does not match service agreement CVR. Verify that correct CVR was used. Otherwise contact RA-STS support for help.
NoRoutingRuleFound DebitorForespø (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client Rute not found for Infref, AfsenderOrganisation CVR, AfsenderItSystem and ModtagerOrganisation. Verify that correct 'Rute' elements were used. Otherwise Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
RoutingConfigurationCorrupt DebitorForespø (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Configuration corrupt; multiple routes found for Infref, AfsenderOrganisation CVR, AfsenderItSystem and ModtagerOrganisation. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespø (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client Request contained no 'HovedOplysninger' element, which is required. Verify BD for duplicates or currapted value.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespø (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client HovedOplysninger contained no TransaktionsId. Add TransaktionsId to the request and try again.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespø (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client TransaktionsId in HovedOplysninger exceeded Serviceplatformen max length. Use smaller TransaktionsId or contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespø (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client HovedOplysninger contained no valid TransaktionsTid. Verify that TransaktionsTid is correct and try again.
InternalError DebitorForespø (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server Could not access HovedOplysninger field in request type. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespø (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server Could not marshall HovedOplysninger to DOM. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespø (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server XML element not found in request. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespø (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server @XmlType annotation not found in request type. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto Client Schema validation failed. Resolve corrupted request according to the error message.
SourceSystemUnavailable DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server A call to a source system failed because no connection could be established to the system. Maybe the system is down? Make sure the source system is alive and has the expected version.
SourceSystemUnknownError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server A call to a source system failed due to an unknown error which programmatically cannot be “explained”. Further action depends on the actual error returned.
SourceSystemError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server A call to a source system failed by returning an error. Please inspect actual returned error. If problem persists then Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
SourceSystemInvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Client A call to a source system failed because the request was incorrect. Please inspect actual returned error and see if the request sent is correct.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server ServiceCallConfiguration is not provided or request callback is null! Set RequestAction in to ServiceCallConfiguration.
InvalidExternalInterface DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Could not retrieve external interface from database for externalUID. Verify that external interface exist in database for such externalUID.
InvalidExternalInterface DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Malformed URL in database. Verify URL in database.
MissingExternalEntityID DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server ExternalInterface entity representing a given source system is missing entityID. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Unable to configure signature for client. Could be some problem with ssl certificate or trustore.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server MutualSSL: Unable to create SSL client for mutual ssl connection. Require additional investigation.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server SSL: Unable to create SSL client for ssl connection. Unexpected runtime exception. Require additional investigation.
UnknownTokenServiceError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Unknown error happened when communicating to the STS. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
TokenServiceUnavailable DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Communication with the remote Secure Token Service (STS) failed, potentially because the STS is down. Contact the Secure Token Service helpdesk and verify that the STS is up and running. If not, Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidTokenServiceRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server Request to the STS failed. Missing remediation - Sorry, You are on Your own!
TokenServiceCertificateRevoked DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server The certificate of the remote Secure Token Service (STS) has been revoked. Tokens signed by the STS’s revoked certificate will be rejected, essentially meaning that the STS is unavailable. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
TokenCacheFailure DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (OUTBOUND_SECURITY) Server The system failed to load, store or delete a STS token from/to the token cache. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client The incoming request contained syntax errors or did not conform to the web service schema definitions. Correct the errors reported by Serviceplatformen.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Unknown The incoming request did not conform to the web service security policy; see the reported WS-Security faultcode. Correct the errors reported by Serviceplatformen.
InvalidTokenServiceToken DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Unknown The WS-Security token included in the incoming request was invalid; see the reported WS-Security faultcode. Correct the errors reported by Serviceplatformen.
MessageTooLarge DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client The request was larger than 10000000 bytes and therefore rejected. Reduce the size of the request (e.g. by sending multiple smaller ones) or send the request via SFTP if the integration supports so.
ServiceAgreementNotValid DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client No valid service agreement could be found for the called service. See the error message for details. Resolve the reported problems through STS Admin.
NoSecurityModel DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server An incoming request didn’t use any of the security models offered by the system (InvocationContext, AuthorityContext, …). You should use at least one security models.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Error during access control. Unexpected exception. Requires additional investigation.
WrongCertificate DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Client certificate did not match the subject certificate of the security token. Change client certificate.
ServiceNotAllowed DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server The passed security token does not grant access to the called service with UUID. Change client certificate or service UUID.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server SAML AssertionWrapper failed initialization. Requires additional investigation.
ServiceSuspended DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service is suspended. Can not be fixed.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Error reading request security token element. Token is corrupted. Change it and try again.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Error reading request security token element. Unexpected exception. Requires additional investigation.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Received ServiceAgreementDTO not mapped to serviceUUID argument. ServiceAgreementDTO is invalid. Change it and try again.
TokenServiceCertificateRevoked DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server The certificate of the Secure Token Service has been revoked! Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidTokenServiceToken DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server A token expected to be valid was invalid. The token may either have been sent from a client or the Secure Token Service (STS). Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidTokenServiceToken DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Security token is cancelled/expired/invalid/valid. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
MissingMunicipalityCVR DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server No municipality CVR was provided in the authority context. Provide municipality and try again.
ServiceSuspended DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service is suspended. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
NoServiceProvided DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service UUID was not provided. Provide Service UUID and try again.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Provided service UUID/service agreement UUID/user UUID/system UUID is not a UUID. Fix corrupted value and try again.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement UUID/User UUID/system UUID was not provided. Add missing value in request and try again.
WrongService DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service called with wrong service UUID. Fix corrupted value and try again.
ServiceAgreementNotFound DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement not found. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
WrongUser DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement does not include user with UUID. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
WrongUserSystem DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement does not include user system with UUID. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceAgreementInvalidLifetime DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is outside its period of validity. Contact RA-STS support for help.
ServiceAgreementSuspendedForService DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is suspended for service. Contact RA-STS support for help.
MissingConfiguration DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Some configuration is not set or is incorrect. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceAgreementNotFound DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement not found. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceSuspended DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service is suspended. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
ServiceNotAllowed DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement doesn't grant access to the service. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
WrongCertificate DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Used certificate does not belong to the user system included in service agreement with UUID. Change client certificate.
ServiceAgreementInvalidLifetime DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is outside its period of validity. Contact RA-STS support for help.
ServiceAgreementSuspendedForService DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Service agreement is suspended for service. Contact RA-STS support for help.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ACCESS_VERIFICATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server ServiceAgreementValidatorFactory has received unknown security model. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
EntityManagerError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (COMMON_DAO) Server Unable to look up. Multiple results were found. Verify BD for duplicates or currapted value.
EntityManagerError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (COMMON_DAO) Server Unable to look up. Variable is missing in DB.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (CONFIG) Server Could not retrieve external interface from database for externalUID. Verify that external interface exist in database for such externalUID.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (CONFIG) Server Multiple configuration values for the CONFKEY. Remove extra value from DB.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (CONFIG) Server Cannot find CONFKEY. Add missing config to DB.
MissingConfiguration DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Missing to configure the SF-number. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client Failed to get the 'HovedOplysninger' element from the given request. Verify that 'HovedOplysninger' element was in the request, contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk in case request was correct.
IllegalArgument DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client Failed to get the 'Rute' element from the given request. Verify that 'Rute' element was in the request, contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk in case request was correct.
RequestAndRuleCVRMismatch DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client 'AfsenderOrganisation' CVR number does not match service agreement CVR. Verify that correct CVR was used. Otherwise contact RA-STS support for help.
NoRoutingRuleFound DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Client Rute not found for Infref, AfsenderOrganisation CVR, AfsenderItSystem and ModtagerOrganisation. Verify that correct 'Rute' elements were used. Otherwise Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
RoutingConfigurationCorrupt DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (ROUTE_DETERMINATION_INTERCEPTOR) Server Configuration corrupt; multiple routes found for Infref, AfsenderOrganisation CVR, AfsenderItSystem and ModtagerOrganisation. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client Request contained no 'HovedOplysninger' element, which is required. Verify BD for duplicates or currapted value.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client HovedOplysninger contained no TransaktionsId. Add TransaktionsId to the request and try again.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client TransaktionsId in HovedOplysninger exceeded Serviceplatformen max length. Use smaller TransaktionsId or contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InvalidRequest DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Client HovedOplysninger contained no valid TransaktionsTid. Verify that TransaktionsTid is correct and try again.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server Could not access HovedOplysninger field in request type. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server Could not marshall HovedOplysninger to DOM. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server XML element not found in request. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.
InternalError DebitorForespørgselAfsendService.hentDebitorkonto (HOVED_OPLYSNINGER) Server @XmlType annotation not found in request type. Contact Serviceplatformen Helpdesk.